Open, Constitutional Carry of Guns
Author: Rep Jonathan Stickland
HB 357, filed by Republican State Representative and Freedom Caucus member Jonathan Stickland, would allow people to carry handguns, either openly or concealed, without a permit or license. Though Rep. Stickland calls this ‘Constitutional Carry’, we would like to remind him that our Second Amendment starts with the words ‘well-regulated’.
This legislation is irresponsibly dangerous and only increases the likelihood that our Texan communities will be struck by a tragedy like the one we saw in Santa Fe last year. Rep Martinez Fischer has been an ardent supporter of the bipartisan group Mom’s Demand Action since their inception, and agrees with their stance that we should do more to close the various loopholes, like the infamous ‘gun show loophole’, that lets people buy firearms without any documentation.

This legislation is a step in the wrong direction, and does nothing to help real Texans.
Want to read the bill, or check on its status? Check it out here ➞